Welcome to the Year 9 Options Process

‘What the future holds no one can exactly say… (but the students at Durham Johnston)….will continue to find here both knowledge and experience and skill of mind and hand and muscle; they will take to heart the school’s motto and courageously seek for wisdom, and the world will be a better place because of their presence in it and their abiding faith in the high standards of work and conduct which the school has ever striven to uphold.’

Mr Storey, Durham Johnston’s third Headteacher 1934-51, speaking at the annual prize giving ceremony in 1947

At Durham Johnston, we pride ourselves on offering a broad curriculum and providing the opportunity to study a wide range of both GCSEs and equivalent qualifications to accommodate the diverse interests and abilities of all our students.

Choosing which subjects to study at GCSE is always an important milestone for our Year 9 students. It is very important to think carefully about your choices and to find out as much information as you possibly can. Whilst this is your first experience of making such important choices, we support students through this process each year and will do all that we can to help you as you take your next steps.   

Key Dates 


Below, you can see the slides shared at Options Evening: